對聯 搭配 畫謎
Couplet Pair Rebus
The Principle of Cause and Effect in Art

The exhibition COUPLET PAIR REBUS. THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT IN ART explores the interplay of causality in art, offering various approaches to this philosophical relationship situated within the four rooms of UMAG’s T.T. Tsui Building.
COUPLET presents itself as a place for reading, as a space of resonances. Wandering from poem to poem the viewer discovers a multitude of voices with which nature and the world can be described. Different calligraphies expressively visualise the contents. The room appears as a homogeneous whole. Let yourself be inspired by the poems and touched by the calligraphy’s beauty.
PAIR is dedicated to balance and symmetry. Here, pairs of artworks are playfully juxtaposed to form a three-dimensional equilibrium. The objects of applied art in the showcases illustrate humanity’s constant striving to create objects in symmetrical harmony across creative genres.
REBUS presents itself as a space of associations, forming a network of various content-related references that connect the artworks within the space. The viewer’s task is to be inspired and to decipher the connections.
The last room of the exhibition contains interactive installations that serve as an interface between the three thematic rooms. Within this space, three artworks engage with the viewer in various ways, exploring the exhibition’s underlying laws, while two of the exhibited artists invite the viewer to interact by ‘playing’ with the artworks. The circle is closed and the game of cause and effect can begin again.
While the captions are intended as inspiration and contain brief notes that reflect on the individual works, the QR codes summarise the overarching content of each group of artworks. In discovering the works, perceptions sharpen and experiences broaden. We invite you to take your time discovering the various rooms and layers of the exhibition.
Please access the 360 Virtual Exhibition here:
「對聯 搭配 畫謎:藝術中的因果法則」探討藝術創作中的因果關係。展覽設於香港大學美術博物館徐展堂樓一樓的四個展廳,旨在從多角度審視哲學中關於因果性的討論。
地址:香港薄扶林般咸道90號 地圖顯示位置
© 版權屬香港大學美術博物館 2023
Address: 90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong View the location on Google Maps
Tel: (852) 2241 5500 Fax: (852) 2546 9659 Email:
© 2023 by University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU. All Rights Reserved